Thursday, December 23, 2010


It's been quite a hectic time. Had friends from Fla. staying with us for the past 2 weeks, which slowed me down a bit. However, not only did I sell several pieces at the museum, but got requests for more. I told them in some cases I could make another one, but not to expect it to be exactly the same. "It's like having children. Same parents, similar features,but they do not look exactly alike!" Thought I'd throw that in, as it was an easy way to explain. My little business card holder was another hit, so Kat asked if I could make up 5 more. Which I did, but this entailed coming up with a new design as the original was quickly thrown together. After tweaking & playing I think I came up with a much better one...and happily others thought so too. Now it's time to clean up all my messes, so I can make more in the New Year!


Had been working on this doll, not knowing "who" she wanted to be. Her mouth just wouldn't do tried a new experiment: used some of my cold porcelain to go over the cloth mouth...that's when she told me she wanted to be Lady GaGa!