With Potato Festival over I finally got back to making my Gypsy Challenge doll.
I have to admit this one took me forever to get made! I found the fabric hard to manipulate, so cut into strips. Then I wanted her to look as though she was dancing, so had one foot bent up in back, not thinking about how much fun it would be to put a shoe on that bent foot! Also made 3 heads before getting the "right" one. I was very pleased with my tambourine! I took the inside circle out of a holder for some trim. Painted to look like wood. Cut slits with my Dremel tool,and used 2 sequins for the little "clanger" thingies, held in place with small sequin pins. I also made her a mask, to hold in the other hand since the theme was "Carnival" this year. I named her Aziza Jaleo (Precious Merry Making)...couldn't find a name for OMG when will I get this done!
She's lovely, Laura!